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Свалка Газипур – самая высокая в мире гора для мусора

автор Spooky на 14 марта, 2025 Категория: Путешествия

Известная как Мусорная гора Дели, свалка Газипур занимает площадь около 70 акров (более 50 футбольных мячей) и почти такая же высокая, как знаменитый Тадж-Махал.

Основанная в 1984 году на окраине Газипура, в восточном районе Дели, свалка Газипур достигла своей максимальной мощности в 2002 году, но с тех пор она превратилась в небольшую гору высотой до 72 метров. Это уже одна из крупнейших в мире свалок, но она продолжает принимать сотни тонн мусора из Дели каждый день и, как ожидается, будет расти еще больше. Свалка Газипур, состоящая из более чем 14 миллионов метрических тонн отходов, уже давно является чумой для миллионов людей, которые называют Дели своим домом. Зловоние, которое от него исходит, почти невыносимо, особенно летом, регулярно вспыхивают пожары, окутывая окрестности густым ядовитым дымом, а его извилистые склоны иногда обрушиваются, погребая людей и технику под миллионами тонн мусора.

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Автомобилиста оштрафовали на 0 000 за движение по автомагистрали

автор Spooky на 14 марта, 2025 Категория: Авто

Швейцарский автомобилист был оштрафован на сумму более 100 000 долларов за то, что подъехал слишком близко к машине перед ним на автомагистрали. Это примерно в два раза дороже автомобиля, на котором он ехал.

Швейцария печально известна своими строгими правилами вождения и ошеломляющими штрафами. Европейская страна является одной из немногих, где штрафы рассчитываются в соответствии с налогооблагаемым доходом правонарушителя, чтобы гарантировать, что их почувствуют как бедные, так и богатые. Например, фиксированный штраф в размере 300 долларов может беспокоить человека, получающего минимальную заработную плату, но для миллионера это как капля в море. В Швейцарии, чем вы богаче, тем больше вы платите, даже за незначительные правонарушения, что приводит к маловероятным сценариям, когда людей штрафуют на огромные суммы денег, иногда превышающие стоимость их автомобилей. В качестве примера можно привести швейцарского адвоката, который был оштрафован на сумму более 110 000 долларов за то, что подъехал слишком близко к машине перед ним на автомагистрали.

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24-летний стример из Мукбанга умер от осложнений, связанных с ожирением

автор Spooky на 14 марта, 2025 Категория: Новости

Эфекан Культур, турецкий тиктокер, получивший известность благодаря своим стримам «мукбанг», трагически погиб в возрасте 24 лет из-за осложнений со здоровьем, связанных с ожирением.

Тенденция «мукбанг», в которой люди наряжают обильное количество еды на камеру к удовольствию своих поклонников, зародилась в Южной Корее, но быстро распространилась по всему миру, вызвав обеспокоенность по поводу ожирения и бессмысленных пищевых отходов. Имея более 156 000 подписчиков в TikTok и 12 000 подписчиков в Instagram, 24-летний Эфекан Культур был одним из самых популярных стримеров мукбанга в Турции, но его популярность дорого обошлась. По мере того, как он продолжал увеличиваться в размерах, он начал испытывать различные проблемы со здоровьем, в том числе болезни сердца, и в октябре прошлого года он объявил, что сядет на диету и будет избегать лишней соли, чтобы попытаться похудеть. К сожалению, ранее в этом месяце 24-летний мужчина умер в результате ожирения.

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People Are Buying “Bank Soil” as Part of Bizarre Get-Rich-Quick Trend

By Spooky on March 10th, 2025 Category: News

Chinese people desperate to get rich by any means necessary are putting their faith in bags of “bank soil” sold online as wealth-bringing talismans.

Bank robberies usually involve cold harsh cash or gold ingots, but several Chinese banks have recently become the target of an unusual type of theft, that of soil from potted plants or from around the buildings housing them. Several online shops in the Asian country are selling small bags of ‘bank’ soil as get-rich-quick talismans that can cost as much as 888 yuan (0), and demand for the unusual products is steadily increasing. Some sellers boast a “999.999 percent success rate in generating wealth,” while others record the harvesting process to guarantee the authenticity of their bank soil.

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Russia’s Rulling Party Sparks Outrage by Gifting Meat Grinders to Mothers of Soldiers Killed in Ukraine

By Spooky on March 10th, 2025 Category: News

The Murmansk branch of Vladimir Putin’s United Russia political party made the controversial decision of gifting meat grinders to mothers of soldiers killed in the war with Ukraine to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Over the past three years, the meat grinder has become a symbol of the Russian military’s high casualty rate in its assault on neighboring Ukraine, so the decision of the United Russia party in the northern Murmansk region to celebrate mothers whose sons died in the war by gifting them meat grinders on March 8 can be considered questionable, at best. Photos published on the party’s social media account last Wednesday show the executive secretary of the Polyarnye Zori United Russia branch, Anna Makhunova, alongside Maxim Chengaev, representative of the “Defenders of the Fatherland in the Murmansk Region Foundation” posing next to women who lost their sons in the war against Ukraine, smiling and holding meat grinders.

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Company Unveils World’s First Biological Computer Based on Human Brain Cells

By Spooky on March 10th, 2025 Category: Tech

The CL1 is an innovative biological computer that combines living cultured human brain cells with silicon hardware in an advanced computer case that also acts as life-support for the cells.

Australian biotech company Cortical Labs recently made international news headlines by announcing what it calls “the world’s first code deployable biological computer.” The innovation behind the CL1 consists of placing brain nerve cells cultured from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) on a silicon chip. These cells respond to electrical signals, forming networks that process information similarly to a living brain. These responses are recorded and analyzed by AI software allowing it to learn faster than traditional artificial intelligence systems. Cortical Labs believes that integrating biological elements like neuron-based systems can improve efficiency in tasks that traditional AI struggles with, such as decision-making in unpredictable environments and situations.

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Artist in Hot Water for Trying to Starve 3 Piglets to Death as Part of Provocative Art Installation

By Spooky on March 7th, 2025 Category: Animals

Chilean-born artist Marco Evaristti has come under fire for trying to starve three little piglets to death as part of a controversial art installation meant to raise awareness about animal welfare.

Marco Evaristti sparked controversy when he originally announced plans for his “And Now You Care?” exhibition, but he really attracted criticism both from animal rights activists and the general public when it actually became a reality. Located in a former butcher’s warehouse in the Meatpacking District of Copenhagen, “And Now You Care?” featured three little piglets on a pile of hay, trapped in a cage made up of two metal shopping carts and surrounded by paintings of slaughtered pigs and the Danish flag. It was already an unsettling display, but it was his plan to only give the piglets water and let them starve to death that really shocked everyone.

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Girl Born with ‘Patella Dislocation’ Can Pop Her Knee Caps Out at Will

By Spooky on March 7th, 2025 Category: News

A 19-year-old Chinese girl has gone viral after posting a video demonstrating her unusual ability to pop her kneecaps out and then back in painlessly because of a condition she was born with.

The unnamed girl from Jiangssi claims that she never even knew her kneecaps were special until schoolmates saw her popping them out of their sockets randomly and then casually popping them back in. Some of them freaked out and told her to see a doctor, but her knees had been like this for as long as she could remember. Nevertheless, she decided to follow her friends’ advice and see a doctor, who confirmed that she had congenital “patella dislocation”, which caused her patellas (kneecaps) to pop out randomly and pop back in just as easily. The physician said that the condition was rare in girls, but reassured the youth that, as long as it didn’t cause her pain or impede with day-to-day activities, it wasn’t a problem.

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Norwegian Company Unveils World’s First AI-Powered Humanoid Robot Butler

By Spooky on March 7th, 2025 Category: Tech

Norwegian robotics company 1X recently announced the NEO Gamma, an AI-powered bipedal humanoid robot that can perform multiple household chores, such as carrying laundry, cleaning windows, and vacuuming.

We’ve seen some important breakthroughs in robotics over the last few months, including STAR1, the world’s fastest bipedal robot, or SE01, a bipedal robot famous for its smooth walking, but in terms of day-to-day utility, the offerings have been lacking. But that is all about to change according to Norwegian Robotics company 1X and its most advanced creation yet, the NEO Gamma, a humanoid butler capable of performing various household chores like cleaning vacuuming, and even serving tea. To make it seem more human, the company teamed up with Shima Seiki, a Japanese manufacturer of knitting machines, to create a soft and smooth suit that conceals the robot’s metallic body.

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Man Undergoes Emergency Surgery After Suffering Ruptured Artery by Picking His Nose

By Spooky on March 6th, 2025 Category: News

A Chinese man reportedly needed emergency surgery after rupturing his facial artery by incessantly picking his nose.

The man’s bizarre case was shared online by his wife in the form of a short clip documenting his experience in the hope that it may dissuade othe


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